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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Analyzing the Contrast of Women Approaches in Story Literature; Focusing on Holy Defense Stories
        حمید رضایی jahangir safari ابراهيم  ظاهري روح‌الله  كريمي
        Women, as composing half of society population, have significant roles in contemporary period’s social and cultural changes and their effective presence in society is manifested in many stories. Using Descriptive-phenomenological approach, this article attempts to analy More
        Women, as composing half of society population, have significant roles in contemporary period’s social and cultural changes and their effective presence in society is manifested in many stories. Using Descriptive-phenomenological approach, this article attempts to analyze four groups of women, i.e. traditional women, Iranian culture-advocate women, westernized women, and wandering women in five contemporary novels. Traditional women are usually those homemakers or housekeepers paying attention just to domestic matters. Iranian culture-advocate women are those involved in social and political activities outside home and consider supporting and defensing Iranian culture ideals and doctrines as their own duties. Another group, i.e. westernized women, make claims about internal matters of country, support western culture, seek basic and fundamental reformations and protest against the current situation. Wandering women are not interested in western culture and do not follow and support Iranian domestic culture, but they are wandering in-between these two cultures. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - The Study of the Evolution of Maternal Contents in the Poetry of Some Poetesses from the Period of Constitutionalism up to Present
        مریم  عاملی رضایی
        Women’s Poetry has always been the field of expressing their emotions. Maternity is the purist of the feminine emotions reflected in the poems of both men and women. Extending feminine poetry in contemporary period, maternal images have also been depicted in it by the p More
        Women’s Poetry has always been the field of expressing their emotions. Maternity is the purist of the feminine emotions reflected in the poems of both men and women. Extending feminine poetry in contemporary period, maternal images have also been depicted in it by the poetesses themselves. The objective of the present article is to study maternal contents in the poems of Iranian famous poetesses from the period of Constitutionalism to the present, say, Jale Qaem Maqami, Parvin E’tesami, Foruq Farokhzad, Simin Behbahani. It focuses on the fact that emerging modern thinking and individualism introduced the content of separation between mother and child to the feminine poetry. It also studies the ascent and descent of expressing maternal contents in their poetry. Although the nature of maternal emotion is the same, it worth mentioning that it can be affected by factors like the life, beliefs and world view of a poetess herself, the social changes of her time that make some contents more prevailing than the other ones. Findings of the present research shows that the main contents of this type are expressing mother and child emotions, mother and child talk, training child by mother, mothers view on the world and universe. Studying maternal contents in the poetry of every poetess, we will follow its changes regarding their time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Shift from the Oral Culture to the Written Culture in Women’s Writings (From Naseri period to the Constitutional period)
        مریم  عاملی رضایی
        In the literary history of Iran, there can be found samples of women’s writings, most of which are in prose. Until the Naseri period, the very few writings were limited to jurisprudence, litanies and prayers. Two travelogues and one critical-social writing are available More
        In the literary history of Iran, there can be found samples of women’s writings, most of which are in prose. Until the Naseri period, the very few writings were limited to jurisprudence, litanies and prayers. Two travelogues and one critical-social writing are available relating to the Naseri period. The writing mode of these texts reveals that the women at that time were not familiar with the common frames of formal writing. They wrote in a female intimate environment and employed a spoken language. At the Constitutional period, as women made their presence felt in society, they did so in the field of prose writing. Publishing their letters, particularly in women’s journals of the time, gave them an opportunity to experience formal written language. Women’s language entered a public zone. Their highly frank and open language which had been formed during centuries at an intimate female atmosphere, and under the influence of oral literature, was refined and distanced itself from the words that were supposed to be offensive for the public usage. In this way a civilized language of women was formed that followed the norms of the dominant culture of the time. So, one could claim that women’s presence at the society coincided with their transition from the field of oral literature to the field of written literature. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Studying the Trends in Fictions Written By Iranian Immigrants
          Reza  Shajari
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trend More
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trends and particular literary approaches outside the borders of the country. The collective body of literary works created abroad, have been named differently by different critic based on the characteristics and features that they have outlined. The authors’ issues, how they have left the country, how long they have been living abroad, and the content of their works are of great importance in defining and classifying these literary works. Furthermore, different trends can be identified in stories written abroad. In the present article, stories written by Iranian immigrants are analyzed as politics-oriented, identity-oriented, and women's stories. In the '60s up-to-the mid-'70s the politics-oriented stories are the most frequent ones. This trend is emerged by political groups and activists, and focuses on the revolution and the issues surrounding it. From the mid-70s onwards, the identity-oriented trend became the major one. In this trend, themes such as the differences between the motherland and the other-land, and the ways the immigrants encounter the new world are highlighted through the narratives about identity. Also, there were many immigrant female writers who narrated the lives and issues of female immigrants from a feminine perspective. In these stories, the ways in which women face the new world and the issues they encountered in Iran are amongst the main themes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Feminine Roles in the Novels “Pirzad” and “Wolf” Based on Jung's Archetypal Theory
        Maryam Ramin Nia Mona Ali madadi Maryam Bay
        The critique of archetype, based on the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, explores archetypes in literary texts and explains their roles, functions, and transformations.Among the archetypes that Jung enumerates in his works, we can mention four female archetypes that appear More
        The critique of archetype, based on the theories of Carl Gustav Jung, explores archetypes in literary texts and explains their roles, functions, and transformations.Among the archetypes that Jung enumerates in his works, we can mention four female archetypes that appear as feminine roles in their lives. These four roles are: the role of mother, wife, Madonna and the role of Amazon. These roles appear in relation to others, the environment and the culture that governs the living environment in women's behaviors. By examining the literary works of women, it is possible to see how and to what extent these roles are present. By studying the literary works of women, one can see how these roles are present. Western and Iranian female writers drawers these roles in different ways.In the present study, we, comparatively, analyze these feminine roles in the novels “Cheraghha Ra Man Khamoosh Mikonam (I turn off the lights)” and “Aadat Mikonim (We get used to)” by Zoya Pirzad and “Mrs. Dalloway” and “To the Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf. The conclusion shows that the feminine roles based on Jung archetypes are not used in the same way in Pirzad and Wolf. As a Western novelist, Wolff deals with the roles of mother and wife in a more balanced way. She has applied much more Madonna's role for “The Lighthouse” but Amazon role in Mrs. Dalioway has drawn powerfully. Wolf's feminist approach has not been ineffective in addressing these issues. In Pirzad's works we see the role of the mother in a sacrificial approach and the role of wife in the conservative approach. She has a special place for the role of Madonna and has gradually incorporated the role of Amazon in the framework of traditional Eastern culture in a step-by-step and faint way in her works. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analysis of Women's Storytelling after the Islamic Revolution Based on the Cognitive Current
        sepideh seyyed faraji Farhad Tahmasbi Ruqayyah Sadraie
        After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, women's storytelling has developed. Both the number of female writers has increased and the themes of the stories have become more diverse. The political and social atmosphere after the revolution has also provided the ground More
        After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, women's storytelling has developed. Both the number of female writers has increased and the themes of the stories have become more diverse. The political and social atmosphere after the revolution has also provided the ground for the expansion and diversity of women's storytelling. In most of what women have written, the focus of the story and characters is on the issue of women. Some women in their stories search for their feminine selves and reflect this identification from the perspective of female narratives; This section of women's works deals with female narratives that describe the female world (in terms of identity, emotion, gender, etc.). Some of the works of women reflect the political and social issues of the time. In these stories, the role of women in politics and society is generally shown, most of these stories refer to the role of women in the revolution and the war. Some female writers also write popular narratives of life and society for audiences that are generally female. A number of other women narrate the contrast between tradition and modernity, sometimes arguing for tradition and sometimes protesting against prevailing traditions and beliefs. This study has been done to identify and introduce the currents of women's storytelling in the post-revolutionary years. Therefore, based on a cognitive current model, this reserch categorizes and introduces several currents of women's storytelling. To separate and recognize the currents, three factors have been considered: first, the political and social context of the emergence of the current is introduced, then the focal points of the current are shown, and finally, the initiators and continuators of the current are discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Investigating the evolution of modern humanism of female characters in Persian novels
        Parivash Mirzaeyan jahangir safari Narges  Bagheri
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint inv More
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint investigates the effects of modernity on Iranian women by reviewing selected Persian novels which were published in this three periods of time: from 1300 to 1320, from 1320 to 1345 , and from 1345 to 1357 . The research demonstrates that generally in the first period, the evolution caused by the prevalence of modern humanism has not been able to liberate women thinking from traditional perspectives. In the second period, growing the popularity of modernity elements has provided a variety of human interests and desires for women. Although increasing feminist ideas shows the prevalence of modern rationalism in this period, behavioral contradictions between women reveals the superficiality of the viewpoint among them. Overindulgence in following instinctive desires in the third period indicates a jump in humanistic thinking. During this period, the passivity caused by fatalism has also been criticized by the authors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Comparative Study of Bouransasani’s Monarchy in The Ferdowsi’s Shahname and Historical Sources (in a Critical Review of a Challenging Verse)
        Akram Joudi Nemati
        Bouran became as the ruler of Sassanid Empire just before downfall of the empire and she was praised in Shahnameh; however, at the beginning of Bouran’s reign, Ferdowsi quotes: “there was a girl named Bouran/ things do not go well, when a woman becomes king”. This verse More
        Bouran became as the ruler of Sassanid Empire just before downfall of the empire and she was praised in Shahnameh; however, at the beginning of Bouran’s reign, Ferdowsi quotes: “there was a girl named Bouran/ things do not go well, when a woman becomes king”. This verse has an obvious contradiction with next verses and and according to this verse, it seems that the decay of empire at that time was a result of her reign. In order to answer to the question of "which of the two contradictions is true" and "what could be the cause of the mentioned contradiction", the article author has compared the Shahnameh's claim about Bouran's statecraft with historical sources. Research data show that there’s no report of inefficiency in Bouran’s governance, and all historians, in more detail than Ferdowsi, have reported her governing as good. So, why did Ferdowsi compose such a poem? The author, by proposing related hypotheses, concludes that this verse is not related to how Bouran governs, but it has been due to Ferdowsi's commitment to the presuppositions that were formed in related to the religious beliefs in his time. Tracing the presuppositions leads us to a hadith of the Prophet (PBUH): "A nation that leaves its affairs to a woman will never be successful.” The hadith documents do not confirm its validity, and its not even mentioned about in early Shiite sources; But its socio-cultural shadow has led to the presumption that if a woman becomes monarch, the country will be ruined. So, the poet has remained in contradiction between those historical facts and this social presupposition, and the result has been a contradiction in composing the story of Bouran. However, the Shahnameh as a whole, does not confirm the society negative view to the women. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Semiotic analysis of female identity and life in the novel "Va Digaran (And Others)" by Mahbobeh Mirqadiri
        Sepideh Seyed Faraji Farhad Tahmasbi Ruqayyah Sadraie
        Reading stories and novels is one of the ways to study the sociology of society and get acquainted with its cultural and social issues. One of the social issues that has been considered in sociology and has been the focus of storytelling in literature is the issue of bi More
        Reading stories and novels is one of the ways to study the sociology of society and get acquainted with its cultural and social issues. One of the social issues that has been considered in sociology and has been the focus of storytelling in literature is the issue of biosexuality. The issue of this research is the search for the biosexuality of Iranian women in the novel "Va Digaran (And Others)"and how to explain it with a semiotic perspective. Knowing this in novels can provide a lot of information about society and the views of people in society; One of the tools that can make this possible is social semiotics. In this article, an attempt has been made to clarify the hidden angles of the identity and biosexuality of Iranian women by examining the social signs of the novel "Va Digaran (And Others)"by Mahboubeh Ghadiri using the semiotics of Giro. Findings show that identity is the most important concern of the author and also the main character of the novel (narrator) as the second wife of a married man, seeks to explain aspects of his sexuality that have not previously appeared in the literature. The most important social symbols used in the novel are "place, language and name". Through the language, the narrator reveals women's bio-sexuality with hidden and overt references to female sexual experiences such as puberty, motherhood, abortion, and so on. Mir Ghadiri also well has represented and implicitly has objected to the patriarchal discourse order through the codes of social etiquette (customs). Manuscript profile