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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Bilateral contrasts and their functions in text; by focusing on contrast ofLight and Darkness in Farsi works of Sheikh e Ishraq
        m r
        Bilateral contrasts is a key term in Ferdinand de Saussure linguistics, constructuralism, deconstructuralism and Bakhtin school which plays a pivotal role in understanding the meaning and human thinking system. All these schools have a same approach in accepting contras More
        Bilateral contrasts is a key term in Ferdinand de Saussure linguistics, constructuralism, deconstructuralism and Bakhtin school which plays a pivotal role in understanding the meaning and human thinking system. All these schools have a same approach in accepting contrasts as a pivotal forming factor in different human life systems; however, they have different interpretations in the kind of encountering of both sides of a contrast. Regardless of the consequences of interpreting bilateral contrasts in different philosophical, social, cultural and historical fields, what is important is the difference in attitude and reading of literary text every one of which result in a different interpretation. This article analyzes the concept of interpreting contrasts in constructuralism, deconstructuralism and Bakhtin school; then proves the contrast of interpretations by concentrating on contrast of light and darkness in Suhrawardi's works; The results show that the attitude of creator of the literary text and text reading, based on these theories, result in bilateral contrasts and result in reproducing different texts which get different voices based on mono-vocal or multi-attitudinal approach of author. It is the same as Sheikh e Ishraq works, contrasts as the end that constructuralism gives to contrasts, they have besting or unifying quality. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Structural analysis of symbolic contrasts in Hafiz Shirazi Ghazaliat; by focusing on Roland Barthes theory
        Aliakbar Bagheri Khalili سیده فاطمه  ذبيح‌پور
        The structuralists consider human thought based on bilateral contrast and believe that reviewing that will result in understanding intellectual and thinking areas of people and societies. In their view, as ideologies give meaning to opposite elements in social domain, l More
        The structuralists consider human thought based on bilateral contrast and believe that reviewing that will result in understanding intellectual and thinking areas of people and societies. In their view, as ideologies give meaning to opposite elements in social domain, linguistic contrasts are meaningful or full of signs in a value system of language too; sign is something which lead to another thing and is rooted in social beliefs. However, semiotics is an approach to text analysis. Barthes, using Saussure ideas, states two kinds of significations: One is explicit and implicit. The sign contrast in form of words/terms are mentioned in five categories of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and demonstratives in Hafiz Ghazaliyat. The results of this study show that sign contrast of Hafiz poems reflects the Khanqah Sufi contrast and romantic Sufi; every one of them have special signs and systems. Khanqah Sufism has two systems: one ascetic and the other prayerfully; and romantic Sufism has also two systems one is intoxication and the other is festive. Ascetic and prayerful systems focus on special signs and make a contrast between conqueror and conquered and introduce themselves as conqueror side and consider intoxication and festive as conquered side; Hafiz destroyed the signs of conqueror side and strengthened the signs of conquered side and changed the status of these two. Language and artistic methods of Hafiz makes the sign contrast of nouns extraordinarily acceptable of implicit implications. Moreover, Hafiz applied different kinds of lexical contrast like gradient, directional and complement, but implicit or deep structure implication of most of them are based on complement contrast and their aim is to reject Khanqah Sufism and prove romantic Sufism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Analyzing the symbolic aspects in Joseph and zoleikha story by Jami focusing on Bergamot (Toranj)
        hoorieh asadi habib fateme kouppa گلرخ‌سادات  غنی
        Joseph and zoleikha story is rooted in Quran and, before that, in Torah; it is full of secrets and points. Bergamot (Toranj) is one of the key words and full of secrets of this story that has not been studied in due manner. Proving the presence of Toranj in this story, More
        Joseph and zoleikha story is rooted in Quran and, before that, in Torah; it is full of secrets and points. Bergamot (Toranj) is one of the key words and full of secrets of this story that has not been studied in due manner. Proving the presence of Toranj in this story, and focusing on Quranic and Torah interpretations, this article seeks the roots of Toranj and its role in forming this story. Previous studies show that Jewish people believe that Toranj is a symbol of human heart and as healthy heart is the location of divine love in Islamic culture, one can come to this conclusion that the presence of Toranj in Josef and Zoleikha is a symbol of love. Thus it is not impossible that what makes Zoleikha’s love an earthly and impure love would be cosidered a heavenly, ulterior and pure love in a different view of mystical of Jami. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Reviwing Time in "A crypt for otter" by Hooshanf Golshiri from Content Criticism
        معصومه   حامی‌دوست محمدعلی  خزانه‌دارلو
        Time is a special and abstract quality of human life that is understood through a concrete and objective thing. Due to this, although we live in Time, we are surprised when we want to talk what Time is and consider it as different from other realities. “George Paulet” ( More
        Time is a special and abstract quality of human life that is understood through a concrete and objective thing. Due to this, although we live in Time, we are surprised when we want to talk what Time is and consider it as different from other realities. “George Paulet” (1902-1999), a critic following content criticism, reviews the quality of understanding of authors of different Times (periods) and attempted to have a better angle of “world of awareness” of author and a more exact reading of text by analyzing the apprehension of story characters. “Hooshang Golshiri” is one of Iran modern story writers who -using stream of consciousness method- designs his contemporary human identity and his/her apprehension. His story characters are all somehow involved with Time. Using analytic-descriptive method and based on Paulet attitude, the current article reviews Golshiri idea about Time in his story of “A crypt for otter”. This review shows that Golshiri reflects a special kind of Time in story writing that is different from usual and routine Time. Imagination, love, expectation and hope to reform things and persons are some outstanding features of such a Time. However, a pure moment which Golshiri and his heroes seek never occurs in moment of living and this time cannot save them too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Elegy composing in Poetry and Literature of "Laki"; (Literary-psychological analysis of concept of lamentation in culture of Lak)
        حسین  نظریان سيد امير  قدمي
        Elegy is one of the literary-lyric genres that two elements of emotion and feeling have pivotal role in it. According to this, from psychological view, the root of elegy shall be sought in psychological issues and human’s will of eternity. In authors’ view, the backgrou More
        Elegy is one of the literary-lyric genres that two elements of emotion and feeling have pivotal role in it. According to this, from psychological view, the root of elegy shall be sought in psychological issues and human’s will of eternity. In authors’ view, the background of this literary genre is rooted in Iran culture and literature like single-couplets that are being throat-read in lak-living areas of Zagros named Mour and Hooreh. Scholars have collected info, used descriptive-documentary method, and reviewed different kinds of elegy and concept of lamentation from Literary-psychological analysis in culture of Lak. Results show that our cognitive gap about spiritual and psychological treasures of our domestic culture and literature caused us to face the phenomenon of “inter-generational gap” in transition of traditional society to a modern society. Thus focusing on domestic culture and literature and making a bridge between old and current societal values is an unavoidable necessity. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Reviewing Farsi Ashurai Poetry in Lorestan; (from its birth to Islamic Revolution Victory)
        Ali Noori احسان  حیدری جمشیدی
        Lorestan people accepted Shiah faith from their deep heart and have a strong belief in it. Even the ruler of this area believed in Shiah from 1000 years agon and some of them like Atabakan-e Lor-e Kuchak who ruled Lorestan from 570 to 1006 (hegira) considered themselves More
        Lorestan people accepted Shiah faith from their deep heart and have a strong belief in it. Even the ruler of this area believed in Shiah from 1000 years agon and some of them like Atabakan-e Lor-e Kuchak who ruled Lorestan from 570 to 1006 (hegira) considered themselves as relatives from the generation of Abbas ibn Ali (PBUH). Lorestan people interest to the Prophet’s Household particularly Imam Hussein (PBUH), and Abbas ibn Ali (PBUH) is so deep that there are perfect reflections and representations of this in their culture and literature. We reviewed the “Farsi Ashurai poetry in Lorestan” as a sign of Ashurai culture in Persian literature. Most important result is that Moharram, Ashura and Imam Hussein (PBUH) have brilliant and outstanding display in different poetry genres of this province and also Persian poetry and this display is so dominant that, although its literature is oral, but its signs are so dominant among few available works and poems. This point proves the interest and respect of Lorestan people to the Prophet’s Household and also their manhood, gentility, nobility and freedom; features whose most brilliant reflections is Karbala. It should also be mentioned that Lorestan Farsi Ashurai Poetry can be categorized in 4 kinds and these kinds of poems are so extensive and dominant in Lorestan Literature and it involves Lorestan literates from very old times until today. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Reviewing and criticizing the formal aspects of language in the works of main poets in the movement of speech poetry
        ساناز  رحيم‌بيكي غلامحسين  غلامحسين‌زاده قدرت‌ الله  طاهري
        In the process of creating poetry, all the elements involved are formed in the language. So, the language is one of the most basic factors in creating the poetry. Speech poetry is a new branch of Iranian modern poetry in 1370s and 1380s. While the speech poets argue tha More
        In the process of creating poetry, all the elements involved are formed in the language. So, the language is one of the most basic factors in creating the poetry. Speech poetry is a new branch of Iranian modern poetry in 1370s and 1380s. While the speech poets argue that they use all capacities of language used among the mass, reviewing the form aspects of language in this branch of Iranian poetry is very important. Introducing and explaining the forms and contents of this branch is an important step in knowing the contemporary literal evolution, while the branch has not been explored in academic literature. For this purpose, in this paper we try to define the speech poetry, its history and its linguistic aspects by focusing on the works of Reza Baraheni, Ali Babachahi, Merdad Fallah, Hafiz Musavi and Seyed Ali Salehi. The method of research is based on the style-linguistic study; the main aspects of language are reviewed in three formation: vocal, lexical and syntactic of public language. The poets of this branch use the voices of periphery, in addition to the terms, expressions, metaphor, proverbs, to enrich the language of their poems. Manuscript profile