The Influence of Poets of Shiraz (Sa’adi and Hafez) on Russian Poems
Subject Areas : Research in Iranian classical literature1 * , Janolah Karimi Motahhar 2
1 - Tehran University
2 - University of Tehran
Keywords: Sa’adi Hafez influence Association of Disciples of Hafez Ghazal,
Abstract :
In this article some Russian poets like Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin, Igor Vasilyevich Sourianin, Dmitri Borisovich Kedrin and Ilia Lovich Slivinski who are inspired by poets of Shiraz, Sa’adi and Hafez are introduced, and their poems with themes similar to Persian literature and aforementioned Shirazi poets’ thoughts will be analyzed. This article aims at studying the Russian poets’ approach towards Sa’adi and Hafez’s poetry, and those motifs in their poems that the Russian poets were interested in. For example, how are the moral themes reflected? In addition to ethics, have they shown any interest to the literary styles? Since some Russian poets got familiar with the style of Ghazal in Iranian poetry, have they used this style under the influence of Persian poets? Who are those Russian poets that used this style, and which Iranian poets had influenced them more? This article focuses on the period in Russian literature in which the greatest attention had been paid to the poets of Shiraz, and looks for reasons for this tendency. Some famous Russian poets of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries of the Russian literature have paid special attention to the ideas of Sa’adi and Hafez. This study reveals that there are various kinds of effects and tendencies. The reasons for the Russian poets’ interest and tendency towards the poets of Shiraz (Sa’adi and Hafez) is discussed.
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