Analysis of the sonnet "Chehrey-e Aftab Penhan ast (The face of the sun is hidden)" by Hossein Monzavi based on the semiotic approach of "Michael Riffaterre" poem
Subject Areas : Literary Criticism and Theory
fahimeh shafiee
Hengameh Ashoori
1 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Semiotics of Poetry, retroactive reading, Hossein Monzavi, the sonnet "Chehrey-e Aftab Penhan ast (The face of the sun is hidden)", Accumulation Process, Michael Riffaterre. ,
Abstract :
The present research is the analysis of the sonnet " Chehrey-e Aftab Penhan ast (The face of the sun is hidden)" by Hossein Monzavi based on the semiotic approach of the poem " MichaelRiffaterre ". The purpose of this research is to discover the meanings and hidden layers of this sonnet at the level of retroactive reading with the aim of answering this question: what factors create the origin of the poem in the sonnet "Chehrey-e Aftab Penhan ast (The face of the sun is hidden)" by Hossein Monzavi? According to the texture of the gazelles, it seems that this is achieved through the meaningful elements in the poem. The present research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library documents. In this research, after selecting this sonnet in accordance with Riffaterre's approach, the aforementioned poem was examined at the level of exploratory and retroactive reading.Then, focusing on retroactive reading, with the aim of discovering the origin of the poem, the selected sonnet was analyzed according to two meaning-making systems, "accumulation process" and "descriptive system".The results of the research indicate that in the "accumulation process", poetic interpretations in the vertical axis and metaphorical relationship revolve around the concept of "lack of communication" and in the "descriptive poem" the two semantic cores of "distrust" and "unsettled socio-political situation" inspire the poetic origin of the sonnet."Distrust" and "Unsettled socio-political situation" are manifested in this sonnet with images and combinations that are mentioned in this research. Finally, these descriptive processes indicate the main origin of this sonnet, which is despair.
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